Friday, September 5, 2008
The Question: If you could kill anyone and get away with it, who would you kill?
I know we've all heard this question at some point in our lives, and maybe come up with a generic answer like, say, oh, Hitler. But then he's already dead, so you rack your brains and think of some socially-acceptable answer like Osama or Milosevic.
Am I the only one who can do that? If yes, then I'd probably really choose someone generic and (nearly) universally abhorred. I mean, making the world a (hopefully) safer place doesn't sound so bad right? And wasting such a chance on a "primary school maths teacher who accused me of something I didn't do" seems a bit much.
If everyone gets one chance to do that, then I'd pick someone more personal. You know, kill with a vengeance. Right now I don't really have anyone I hate to the bone, so I'd leave my chance until someone really pisses me off. And plus, I guess George Bush would probably use his chance to kill Osama, right? No point wasting my kill on someone who's going to die anyway.
Although, if say, killing someone is known, like I can legally get away with it, but everyone has a chance, and whoever I kill might have a loved one who would kill me with his or her chance after that, then nah. Much as I'd like to rid the world of a potential asshole, I would much rather be alive.
But in the best case scenario that I can kill anyone, and get away with it, and I am the only person in the world who has this power, then HOHOHO MERRY XMAS, cus I will kill every Tom, Dick or Harry who pisses me off.
Oh, you wanna rev your engine in your znged Honda is it? Okay, DIE.
Hallo, can you don't smoke into my path? DIE now.
Hijack my taxi? DIE!
Diao me?! DIE, Twice.
Or you know if like Mae comes and tells me eh you know this girl is damn irritating. Is itttttt? Okay, help you kill.
Everyone should catch Pathology, so they can say "Hey, I caught Pathology." although it really isn't that big a deal.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
The Truth About Drinking.
Or do they like the taste of alcohol?
A bunch of social drinkers going out to get a drink is quite a funny thing. I drink to patronise you. You drink to fit in because you think I drink. She drinks because she thinks you might think she's being snotty to not. And then we all get dead drunk and hung over and when our parents ask us why we torture ourselves, we sigh, resigned, saying that "bo bian. my friends all drinkers."
Its analogous to a table of 10 people who love the person on their right more than themselves or the person on their left. There is a roast chicken on the table with only one chicken backside (given that it is a normal chicken with only one ass). Of the 10, 9 absolutely love parsons' noses, and 1 has no feelings for it.
To prove that they love the one on their right, they pass on the butt to their right, thinking that offering their favourite part of the chicken is a sign of affection. When it gets to the last person, he dumps it. He doesn't pass it on because he hates it, and offering something you detest to someone you love does not attest your affections.
And the 9 watch on in muted horror.
In hindsight.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
I Can Be Lugubrious With You.
We can be cool in the gang if you'd rather hang.
Ain't no thang,
I can be lugubrious with you.
You know how most of the time you share a love-hate relationship with the people you love the most? Its entirely different with Mraz. I am always certain of my admiration.
Tday at around 8.24pm I received the most awesome 4-minute call from Daniel Tong. He didn't say a word, and I have to admit it took me a few moments before I realised where he was coming from.
As I hollered my third "hallo" I heard a familiar voice in the background, and then another. Moments later I realise tht the beautiful sounds I heard were Mraz and Toca doing a version of I'm Yours. And the not-so-beautiful sounds I heard were the crowds cheering and hooting. Nobody wants to hear you scream, in case you were wondering.
So even though my hallos fell on deaf ears, I listened on the phone for 4 minutes, smiling and chuckling in the bus like a lunatic.
Thanks Tong, you're awesome.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Confessions of a Has-Been Beeker.
I thought the chicken wings were damn nice la. I ate like 4. Although I probably exceeded Cheryl's mental quota of "how many chicken wings each Beeker can eat".
But don forget, I am the Uncle Vincent Chicken Wing Eating Record-Holder for the Academic Year 0506, with a proud count of 8 chicken wings, plus one sambal fried rice, 4 nuggets and 3 cups of like, punch. And tht was supper.
Tooty said this blog is quite funny, so being the closet assurance-seeker I pretend I am not, I got inspired to blog. Hahahar.
By the way I miss dead-of-the-night mahjong, supper, badminton and soccer sessions. And the prerogative to pon school the next day, on the pretext of being tired.
Monday, July 21, 2008
The Year of the Superheroes.
Ironman was surprisingly good. I thought it might haved sucked since the superhero market was pretty saturated. The Hulk was a pleasant surprise as well, outdoing its disastrous predecessor.
Hancock was.. Well. The plot sounded interesting, but it was a bit too.. I donno. Unbelievable I guess. But you can't go horribly wrong with Will Smith now, can u.
Batman is awesome awesome awesome! Pretty lengthy n hence worth every cent u paid to watch it on the big screen, n pretty deep characters too. Its not your typical superhero movie cus it makes the superheroes very human - even the villians. Its precisely cus of this human quality tht makes us empathise with them, cus only by being human n making the choices they make makes them super.
I wish I had superpowers.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Lovely Bones.
I hope I'm hovering over my own dead body spiritually, watching how they handle my corpse and talk about me and how I was killed.
So, I'm found dead at 3.34am by the security guard with no obvious wounds or blood, in the lift of my condo. My bag is still slung around my shoulder and nothing seems to be missing, including my ATM and debit cards, and the $8.35 in my wallet.
Preliminary reports show that time of death was approximately 3.12am. Cause of death was blunt force trauma to the head and excessive haemorrhaging.
The police pull the lift's CCTV but they only caught me dying, alone, in the lift. The security guard didn't see anything suspicious. He was sleeping on the job cus he caught soccer the day before.
There is a cold storage receipt in my bag for 2 bottles of Pokka Oolong Tea on the same day, but there were no bottles of tea to be found on me, and they were bought just hours before my mysterious death.
They are sure I died between the Novena Square Cold Storage to the lift of my condo, which spans about 400m. They are also convinced the key to solving my murder was in the Polkka Oolong.
Handphone activity is almost zero during this period, with 2 un-replied SMSes of insignificance. Friends and family are of no help, only claiming tht I am a nice girl who has no enemies and couldn't think of anyone who might do this to me. No one knows who I went out with the day of my death.
Eventually they find the bottles of Pokka Oolong. One just beside the curb on the road the condo was along, and one hidden behind the bushes in the lobby of the condo just beside the curb.
I slipped and fell and hit my head on the curb, apparently. And I dropped the Cold Storage plastic bag and the bottles rolled out. I got up and walked towards home, bleeding into my brain, where I finally died in the lift.
My death was a plain old accident, and Pokka Oolong Tea helped to solve the mystery. I chuckle as I float away and realise how much of their time and taxpayers' money I've wasted.
The Lovely Bones, if I recall correctly, is a book I ever did prac crit on, about a little girl who was killed, and if I'm not wrong, raped. And she is narrating post-death, post-mortem.
We all need a little darkness in our lives, if not we'll never know when the sun shines.
Random (2)
He n his girlfriend have been tgthr so long, are part of each others' lives so much, tht he is afraid now tht she has become his everything such tht he has nothing if he doesn't have her.
Imagine being so reliant on one person tht he/she is your sole connection to everything else, so dependent tht you couldn't survive one day without him/her.
I wonder what its like, the feeling of loving someone so much you want her to be everything, but at the same time be so afraid of loving so much.
Him, btw, is again hypothetical, because I am a very hypothetical person. (And obviously it isn't Alvin, duh.)
Happy 3 months baby.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Random (1)
You start the quarrel in your mind, know exactly how he would retort you. In your cranial conception you rebutt him, and he makes a comeback. You never see his side nor he yours.
You know the quarrel would have no compromising end and a fruitless venture.
So you don't start the quarrel afterall.
Him, btw, is a hypothetical entity.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Post-Graduation Post Script.
I can't blieve I (my parents) spent tens of thousands to put me through a tertiary education at NUS, and tht I spent 3 years of my life pretending to bury my head in books for tht moment when I could shake the NUS President's hand and receive a dud scroll. Of course, tht was preceded by close to 100 min of waiting time.
During the opening speech I was hoping time will just pass in the blink of an eye. Its unprecedentedly boring, n my PSP was with alvin, who didn't even use it, zz. When I had to receive my scroll on stage I hoped with great fervour tht I wouldn't trip or fall or do anything tht might make me stand out in anyway. I wished to be invisible and glide through the stage without anyone noticing. I was also afraid my walk on stage would be punctuated with a very pregnant, silent pause with a complete hiatus of applause. I hoped my head would suddenly get bigger too, so the mortarboard which is a total pain in the ass (especially the tassels), would stay.
It is damned stressful to attend Commencement.
And now, after it all, I still can't quite blieve it was over just like tht. Sian.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Go Forth to the North.

Thursday, July 3, 2008
Don't Worry, Mama Will Fix This!
The recipe, simply put, asks for a baked cake to be mashed and mixed with cream cheese frosting. Then they are to be rolled ino little balls for further manipulation. It didn't sound like we could screw it up.
Then we had to push the balls into a little cookie cutter half its size and let the rest bulge out the mould so that it resembles a cupcake. We had probably like 40 balls to do, and it was quite tiring, but it was also something we felt we couldn't screw up.
Afterwards we were supposed to coat the mini cupcakes with different coloured candy melts, but due to Phoon Huat Pte Ltd's limitations, we had to make do with chocolate buttons, which of course, failed terribly.
They wouldn't solidify enough to be kept at room temperature, and the dipping chocolate soon burnt in the little pot, and we were sad. In fact, I was so sad I didn't realise I had another chocolate mole above my lip. (Not beside the nose. That is the real deal.)
We ran out of ideas, and out of time, so we kept the rest of the uncoated little trouble-makers in the freezer to fight another day.
Another day came and with fresh hands and fresh minds we were determined to succeed this time, arming ourselves with pre-made icing to replace the candy coating (which, to our knowledge, according to Mae the pattisier, is available at a Bukit Timah shop, but too inaccessible for us chaufferless beings).
We thought icing was idiot-proof, but I guess we are pretty formidable idiots, because that didn't work either! It wouldn't harden soon enough and the cupcakes soon turned into slushy things again. Baking it was worse, clearly.
We were pretty disillusioned, but no g no g, so we just baked the whole damned thing in the oven, and ended up with mini-cupcake-sized BROWNIES, that took two whole long damned days and 50 bucks to make. YAY!