Friday, September 5, 2008


I was watching Pathology with Alvin just now. It was a pretty blah show, if you ask me, but then that's just me. You might think its awesome possum, and that's okay with me. A lot of sex though. And boobies. And blood and hearts and ribcages. Brains.

The Question: If you could kill anyone and get away with it, who would you kill?

I know we've all heard this question at some point in our lives, and maybe come up with a generic answer like, say, oh, Hitler. But then he's already dead, so you rack your brains and think of some socially-acceptable answer like Osama or Milosevic.

Am I the only one who can do that? If yes, then I'd probably really choose someone generic and (nearly) universally abhorred. I mean, making the world a (hopefully) safer place doesn't sound so bad right? And wasting such a chance on a "primary school maths teacher who accused me of something I didn't do" seems a bit much.

If everyone gets one chance to do that, then I'd pick someone more personal. You know, kill with a vengeance. Right now I don't really have anyone I hate to the bone, so I'd leave my chance until someone really pisses me off. And plus, I guess George Bush would probably use his chance to kill Osama, right? No point wasting my kill on someone who's going to die anyway.

Although, if say, killing someone is known, like I can legally get away with it, but everyone has a chance, and whoever I kill might have a loved one who would kill me with his or her chance after that, then nah. Much as I'd like to rid the world of a potential asshole, I would much rather be alive.

But in the best case scenario that I can kill anyone, and get away with it, and I am the only person in the world who has this power, then HOHOHO MERRY XMAS, cus I will kill every Tom, Dick or Harry who pisses me off.

Oh, you wanna rev your engine in your znged Honda is it? Okay, DIE.
Hallo, can you don't smoke into my path? DIE now.
Hijack my taxi? DIE!
Diao me?! DIE, Twice.
Or you know if like Mae comes and tells me eh you know this girl is damn irritating. Is itttttt? Okay, help you kill.

Everyone should catch Pathology, so they can say "Hey, I caught Pathology." although it really isn't that big a deal.

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